Innovations in the Railway industry - 18/02/2021

Innovations in the Railway industry Global demand for railway transport is growing fast. Given present trends, passenger and freight activity will more than double by 2050. The railway has come a long way since its introduction in the 17th century. Although the first public railway was introduced in 1803, steam and coal vehicles that used […]

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SSR Lighting applications - 14/12/2020

Controlling Lamps Loads with Solid State Relays Here are some potential uses of SSRs in Lighting applications (non-exhaustive list): Public Lighting Cinemas Theaters Airport runways Streets and roadways Warehouses and buildings lighting   A large inrush current flows through incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, and similar devices (approx. 10 to 15 times higher than the rated […]

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Medical Industry – celduc’s solutions - 27/05/2019

Solid State Relays and Magnetic Sensors for the Medical Industry Create high reliability in your healthcare equipment with Long Lasting and Safe components Your equipment dedicated to the medical industry should offer precision, reliability and quiet operation. The ideal choice to this challenge: celduc® relais’ solutions celduc® relais is a long-standing partner to the Medical industry, […]

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Packing Industry – celduc’s solutions - 29/05/2018

Packing Industry – celduc’s solutions Manufacturers in all industries such as food & beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemicals, … wish to optimize their packaging processes for improving efficiency and reducing costs. These goals are achievable through the implementation of packaging systems that are innovative, fast and reliable. Packaging industry is known for its advanced technology, due […]

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