Magnetic Sensors: How to make the right choice? - 06/03/2023

Magnetic Sensors: Selection criteria The industrial sector uses numerous sensors. Many types of magnetic sensors are available. But how to make a proper selection ? Today we will guide you on choosing the right sensors for your needs. To choose a sensor, it is necessary to define the main characteristics necessary for the application. Here […]

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What do “dv/dt” and “di/dt” values mean ? - 24/10/2022

“dv/dt” and “di/dt” values : what impact does the level of these values have on a Solid State Relay ? Excessive levels of di/dt is one of the main reasons for thyristor failure. When this occurs, the stresses applied to the semiconductor devices can significantly exceed the rated values and damage the power element. In […]

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Protecting AC SSRs against voltage transient phenomena - 16/09/2022

Basics for protection against transient voltages celduc® relais has just launched a new range of Solid State Relays with built-in TVS protection and suitable for standard industrial loads. We take this occasion to remind you how to protect AC SSRs against voltage transient phenomena. There are different kinds of overvoltage suppression devices to protect Solid […]

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Top Tips for making a good control of transformer primary - 26/07/2022

Are high inrush currents on startup causing damages in the transformer primary circuit ? Switching ON the primary of an AC transformer can often generate high inrush currents. Applying electric power to the primary of a transformer can lead to more or less big troubles, especially if this operation is intended to be very frequent. […]

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SSR Thermal Interface Materials - 20/07/2022

Thermal Pads or Thermal Paste : How making the right choice ? The proper sizing of the heatsink is not the only consideration when creating an SSR assembly. Another critical consideration if the proper mounting of the Solid State Relay to the heatsink itself, which can greatly effect the efficiency of the “thermal system” and […]

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