Blog - EXPERTISE & INNOVATIONS - Solid State Relays - Solid state Relays with diagnostics
In order for machine builders to make informed decisions, solve urgent problems on short notice and develop machines that are more autonomous, data from the various components within the machine needs to be collected and analysed. celduc® relais has developed a range of Solid State Relays with diagnostic functionality that meet these requirements.
Our range is suited for applications where monitoring of the field level devices is required to minimise expensive downtimes, such as :
Our SOD solid state relays incorporate monitoring functions for fast failure detection. Timely detection for mains loss, load loss, SSR open and short circuit are all possible with the SOD series. This range of solid state relays is equipped with an Alarm LED for visual indication of fault presence.
Our SOD range is available from 35A to 125A – 50-265VAC or 150-510VAC. NC (Normally Closed) diagnostic contact.
If mains voltage is applied, the yellow LED is ON : the yellow LED means that the installation is working normally.
When the control is activated, the green LED is ON.
Here are the failure detection :
–Mains status : Our SOD type relay detects a power outage, during a sudden voltage interruption for example.
–Load status : Our SOD type relay allows you to know, in real time, the status of the load: connected or not. If the load is disconnected, the status output is opened and the yellow LED is off.
–Protection status : Our SOD type relay also makes it possible to detect a breakdown in mains protection (with or without the control applied). If the mains protection has failed, the status output is opened and the yellow LED is off.
–SSR output status : It is also important to know the status of the relay output (closed or open). When the Solid State Relay is short-circuited, Diagnostic output is activated and yellow LED is off.
We also offer a compact, ready-to-use solution with integrated heatsink : SILD range.
Our SOI range has a built-in Current Transformer (CT) as well as a status output. This SSR makes it possible to switch the load current by providing information about the presence (or lack thereof) of the output current which must then be interpreted by the user or the system.
Normal operation : When the control is not activated, the LED is off. No current / Status output closed. When the control is activated, SOI type relay indicates that a current is flowing in the load.
ESUC module is directly pluggable onto our SU, SUL and SUM type SSRs.
Combined with our SU, SUL and SUM type SSRs, you can add diagnostics and control up to 5 heaters loads.
Advantages of the ESUC module :
ECOM module is directly pluggable onto our SU, SUL and SUM type SSRs and is acompact solution providing a PID temperature controller, current monitor and communication interface in one unit.
Our SMB8670910 has an auxiliary contact allowing the detection, in real time, of various conditions : the status of the load, status of the relay output and the network.
The status (static) output is normally closed in the absence of faults on the load or on the relay itself. In the event of a fault, the status output is open.
When the control is not activated, LEDs are off. No current / Status output closed.
When the control is activated :
– Green LED indicates that the control is activated.
– Red LED is off which indicates that the installation is working normally.
-Mains status : Our SMB8670910 detects a power outage, during a sudden voltage interruption for example.
-Load status : Our SMB8670910 allows you to know, in real time, the status of the load: connected or not. If the load is experiencing a failure, the status output is opened and the red LED is on.
-SSR output status : It is also important to know the status of the relay output (closed or open). When the Solid State Relay is short-circuited, Diagnostic output is activated and red LED is on.
Our Salespeople will work with our R&D team to develop an optimal solution in response to your specifications.
Here is an example :
In addition to external failures, this specific product can also detect internal faults of the relay. For example, a failure on the opto-coupler, thyristor or solder joints. In case of failure, the diagnostic output is activated and red LED is on.
celduc® offers you reliable and efficient solid state relays with integrated diagnostic functions.